Wall Street Journal 해석

Freed Hostages Tell How They Survived : 풀려난 인질들이 어떻게 살아남았는지 말하다

춰리 2023. 11. 30. 11:36

Freed Hostages Tell How They Survived
풀려난 인질들이 어떻게 살아남았는지 말하다


By Chao Deng, Anat Peled and Isabel Coles


Evacuees from kibbutz Kfar Azar watched the release of hostages Sunday at a hotel in Tel Aviv where they have been staying since the Hamas attack on Oct. 7. Hila Rotem Shoshani, 13, below in an undated photo and embracing her uncle at right, was freed, but her mother is still a hostage in Gaza. OFIR BERMAN FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL : 키부츠에서 대피한 크파르 아자르(Kfar Azar)는 지난 10월 7일 하마스 공격 이후 머물고 있는 텔아비브의 한 호텔에서 일요일 인질들이 석방되는 것을 지켜봤다. 날짜가 기재되지 않은 사진에서 힐라 로템 쇼샤니(13세)는 오른쪽에서 그녀의 삼촌을 끌어안고 있었다. 풀려났지만 그녀의 어머니는 여전히 가자지구에 인질로 잡혀있습니다. 월스트리트 저널의 OFIR BERMAN




Emily Hand, 9, in an undated photo, was held with her friend Hila. HOSTAGES AND MISSING FAMILIES FORUM/ REUTERS : 날짜가 기재되지 않은 사진 속 9살의 에밀리 핸드(Emily Hand)는 친구 힐라(Hila)와 함께 안겨 있었습니다. 인질 및 실종 가족 포럼/로이터




TEL AVIV—Their Hamas captors told 13-year-old Hila Rotem Shoshani and 9 year old Emily Hand to keep their voices low when speaking. A day after the close friends’ release, safe in the arms of family and doctors, Hila was still whispering to Emily.
텔아비브—하마스 납치범들은 13세의 힐라 로템 쇼샤니(Hila Rotem Shoshani)와 9세의 에밀리 핸드(Emily Hand)에게 말할 때 목소리를 낮추라고 말했습니다. 가까운 친구들이 석방된 다음 날, 가족과 의사들의 품에 안전하게 안긴 힐라는 여전히 에밀리에게 속삭이고 있었습니다.

Yair Rotem, Hila’s uncle, is now her primary guardian, as his sister Raaya remains a Hamas hostage. He said his niece doesn’t show emotion when talking about her time in captivity, held in the dark for 50 days with little food and no showers. He is reluctant to press Hila for details of what happened when Hamas’s bloody Oct. 7 attack on Israel interrupted a sleepover she was having with Emily at Hila’s house in Kibbutz Be’eri.
Hila의 삼촌인 Yair Rotem은 이제 Hila의 주요 보호자이며, 그의 여동생 Raaya는 하마스 인질로 남아 있습니다. 그는 조카가 50일 동안 음식도 거의 먹지 않고 샤워도 하지 못한 채 어둠 속에 갇혀 있었던 자신의 시간에 대해 이야기할 때 감정을 나타내지 않는다고 말했습니다. 그는 10월 7일 이스라엘에 대한 하마스의 피비린내 나는 공격으로 인해 그녀가 키부츠 비에리에 있는 힐라의 집에서 에밀리와 함께 하룻밤을 보내고 있던 것을 방해했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났는지 자세히 알려달라고 힐라에게 누르기를 꺼려합니다.

“Maybe she’s in shock,” he said. “She always wants to make other people feel good, so maybe she doesn’t want to make us sad.”
“아마도 충격을 받았을 겁니다.” 그가 말했다. "그녀는 항상 다른 사람들을 기분 좋게 만들고 싶어하기 때문에 우리를 슬프게 만들고 싶지 않을 수도 있습니다."

A picture of the grueling conditions that hostages endured in Hamas captivity is beginning to emerge, based on the accounts of some of their friends and relatives. At hospitals and in private settings, relatives and friends are focused on helping the recovery of those who have been released while medical staffers continue to assess former hostages’ mental and physical health.
하마스 포로 생활에서 인질들이 겪었던 가혹한 상황에 대한 사진이 그들의 친구와 친척들의 증언을 바탕으로 드러나기 시작했습니다. 병원과 개인 환경에서 친척과 친구들은 풀려난 사람들의 회복을 돕는 데 집중하고 있으며 의료진은 전 인질들의 정신적, 육체적 건강을 계속 평가하고 있습니다.

Israeli security officials have asked those released and their family members not to speak publicly about their experiences while the government collects intelligence and tries to negotiate the release of more hostages.
이스라엘 보안 관리들은 석방된 사람들과 그 가족들에게 정부가 정보를 수집하고 더 많은 인질 석방을 협상하는 동안 그들의 경험에 대해 공개적으로 말하지 말라고 요청했습니다.

Life in captivity

After Hamas fighters burst in on the safe room where Hila and Emily were hiding, Hila’s mother, Raaya, put shoes on the girls, knowing they might be held for a long time, said Yair Rotem. Their captors squeezed them into one vehicle and covered their heads before they arrived at their first location in Gaza.
하마스 전사들이 힐라와 에밀리가 숨어 있던 안전실에 들이닥친 후, 힐라의 어머니 라야는 소녀들이 오랫동안 감금될 수도 있다는 것을 알고 소녀들에게 신발을 신겨줬다고 야이르 로템이 말했습니다. 그들을 납치한 사람들은 그들을 차량 한 대에 태운 뒤 머리를 가린 뒤 가자지구의 첫 번째 장소에 도착했습니다.

There, they were held with a group of hostages from the same kibbutz, along with some others who were taken hostage at the Nova music festival, according to Yair Rotem and a family friend, Lilach Sheffer Hadad.
Yair Rotem과 가족 친구 Lilach Sheffer Hadad에 따르면 그들은 그곳에서 같은 키부츠의 인질 그룹과 Nova 음악 축제에서 인질로 잡힌 다른 사람들과 함께 억류되었습니다.

Some slept on benches, while others were on mattresses on the ground. They were told to whisper during the day and stay silent at night, presumably to avoid being discovered, said the uncle.
일부는 벤치에서 잠을 잤고, 다른 일부는 바닥에 깔린 매트리스 위에서 잠을 잤습니다. 낮에는 속삭이고 밤에는 조용히 하라는 말을 들었다고 삼촌은 말했습니다.

Health experts say that being confined to dark tunnels and rooms for weeks, without access to the usual comforts of their daily lives, will have a significant psychological impact on the hostages long after their release, especially minors ripped from their families.
보건 전문가들은 몇 주 동안 일상생활의 안락함을 누릴 수 없는 채 어두운 터널과 방에 갇혀 있으면 인질들이 석방된 후에도 오랫동안 상당한 심리적 영향을 받을 것이며, 특히 가족과 헤어진 미성년자들에게 심각한 심리적 영향을 미칠 것이라고 말합니다.

Israel can learn a little about the structure of tunnels, a bit about their guards and kidnappers, and what kind of food they ate, said Jacob Nagel, a former national security adviser and senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. “Every piece of information you didn’t have before can help you,” but the intelligence gathered from captured Hamas militants is much more important, he said.
이스라엘은 터널의 구조, 경비원과 납치범에 대해 조금 배울 수 있으며, 그들이 어떤 종류의 음식을 먹었는지에 대해 조금 배울 수 있다고 민주주의 수호 재단의 전직 국가 안보 고문이자 선임 연구원인 제이콥 나겔이 말했습니다. “이전에 갖고 있지 않았던 모든 정보가 도움이 될 수 있습니다.” 그러나 포로로 잡힌 하마스 무장세력으로부터 수집한 정보가 훨씬 더 중요하다고 그는 말했습니다.

At the same time, newly released hostages can also bring desperate families signs their relatives in Gaza are still alive. Gil Dickmann, 31, said
동시에, 새로 풀려난 인질들은 절망에 빠진 가족들에게 가자지구에 있는 친척들이 아직 살아 있다는 신호를 가져올 수도 있습니다. 길 딕만(31세)은 이렇게 말했다.

he was able to obtain new information about his cousin and his cousin’s sister-in-law, who are still in captivity.
그는 아직 포로로 잡혀 있는 사촌과 사촌의 처제에 대한 새로운 정보를 얻을 수 있었습니다.

Lee Siegel’s sister in law, who was released on Sunday, told family members she had been held with her husband, U.S. citizen Keith Siegel, for part of the time. He remains a hostage in Gaza.
일요일에 석방된 리 시겔의 처제는 가족들에게 자신이 남편인 미국 시민 키스 시걸과 한동안 감금되어 있었다고 말했습니다. 그는 가자지구에 인질로 남아있습니다.

“It brings a lot of hope,” said Noam Peri, who received the first confirmation her 76year old father was alive from hostages who were released.
풀려난 인질로부터 76세 아버지가 살아 있다는 첫 확인을 받은 노암 페리(Noam Peri)는 “이것은 많은 희망을 가져다준다”고 말했다.

Relatives are also concerned about the condition of some of the oldest hostages. Elma Avraham, 84, who suffered from thyroid disease, heart disease and autoimmune disease, is in critical condition at the Soroka University Medical Center after 51 days in captivity during which she was denied lifesaving medication.
친척들은 또한 가장 나이 많은 인질들 중 일부의 상태에 대해 우려하고 있습니다. 갑상선 질환, 심장 질환, 자가면역 질환을 앓고 있는 84세의 엘마 아브라함(Elma Avraham)은 구금 약물 치료를 거부당한 채 51일 동안 감금된 후 소로카 대학 의료 센터에서 위독한 상태에 있습니다.

“My mother was completely neglected medically” and arrived back in Israel “on the brink of death,” said one of Avraham’s daughters, Tali Amano.
아브라함의 딸 중 하나인 탈리 아마노(Tali Amano)는 “저의 어머니는 의학적으로 완전히 방치되었고” “죽음의 문턱에서” 이스라엘로 돌아왔습니다.

Compared with the conditions of a few hostages released earlier in October, food became more scarce and many went hungry, according to their families. Hanna Perry, 79, was denied medication for her diabetes and high blood pressure, and lost a lot of weight and muscle tone during her 49 days in captivity, according to her daughter Ayelet Svatitzky. “They didn’t get much food. They would get a quarter of a pita in the morning.”
10월 초 풀려난 인질 몇 명의 상황에 비해 식량은 더욱 부족해졌고 많은 사람들이 굶주렸다고 가족들이 전했다. 그녀의 딸 아예렛 스바티츠키(Ayelet Svatitzky)에 따르면, 79세의 한나 페리(Hanna Perry)는 당뇨병과 고혈압에 대한 약물 치료를 거부당했으며, 감금된 49일 동안 체중과 근육량이 많이 감소했다고 합니다. “그들은 음식을 많이 얻지 못했습니다. 아침에는 피타 1/4을 먹곤 했어요.”

Comforting children
아이들을 위로하다

In captivity, parents tried to comfort their children. Sharon Avigdori promised to get her 12 year old daughter, Noam, two dogs when they were freed, according to her brother in law.
포로 상태에서 부모는 자녀를 위로하려고 노력했습니다. 샤론 아비그도리(Sharon Avigdori)는 자신의 12세 딸 노암(Noam)이 풀려나면 개 두 마리를 데려오겠다고 약속했다고 그녀의 처남이 전했다.

Adina Moshe, a 72 year old former kindergarten teacher, said she tried to take care of children she was with during her 49 days, according to her nephew. She was underground the entire time, so the light was blinding when she was taken out to be released.
전직 유치원 교사였던 72세 아디나 모셰(Adina Moshe)는 49일 동안 함께 있던 아이들을 돌보려고 노력했다고 조카가 전했다. 그녀는 내내 지하에 있었기 때문에 풀려나기 위해 밖으로 나왔을 때 빛이 눈이 멀었습니다.

Children who arrived at Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital had endured a “very harsh period” and told staff members “very difficult and complex stories from their time in Hamas captivity,” Itai Pessach, the head of the hospital, said Monday.
에드먼드 앤 릴리 사프라 아동병원에 도착한 아이들은 "매우 가혹한 시기"를 견뎌냈으며 직원들에게 "하마스 포로 생활에 대한 매우 어렵고 복잡한 이야기"를 전했다고 이타이 페사크 병원장이 월요일 밝혔다.

They weren’t able to take showers, so Raaya would clean Hila and Emily with a towel and hot water from a portable burner, according to the uncle. They subsisted on cans of tuna and beans, but were sometimes still hungry and had to ask for more food. The family friend, who met Hila and Emily at the hospital, also said the water they drank in captivity sometimes tasted like mud.
삼촌에 따르면 그들은 샤워를 할 수 없었기 때문에 라야는 수건과 휴대용 버너의 뜨거운 물로 Hila와 Emily를 청소했다고 합니다. 그들은 참치와 콩 캔으로 연명했지만 때로는 여전히 배가 고파서 더 많은 음식을 요청해야 했습니다. 병원에서 힐라와 에밀리를 만난 가족 친구도 포로 생활에서 마셨던 물에서 가끔 진흙 맛이 났다고 말했습니다.

When a deal to free 50 women and children came together last Wednesday, Hila’s uncle was in Rome with other families lobbying for the release of hostages, including meeting with Pope Francis. The next day he flew back to Tel Aviv with the hope that Raaya and Hila would be released, but the first list—those being released on Friday didn’t have their names.
지난 수요일 여성과 어린이 50명을 구출하기로 합의했을 때 힐라의 삼촌은 다른 가족들과 함께 로마에 있었고 프란치스코 교황과의 만남을 포함해 인질 석방을 위해 로비 활동을 벌였습니다. 다음날 그는 라야와 힐라가 석방되기를 바라며 텔아비브로 돌아갔다. 그러나 금요일에 석방된 첫 번째 명단에는 그들의 이름이 없었다.

Then, on Friday night, the family got a call for the next list of hostages to be released on Saturday. Only Hila’s name was on it.
그러던 중 금요일 밤, 가족들은 토요일에 석방될 다음 인질 명단을 요청하는 전화를 받았습니다. 그 위에는 힐라의 이름만 적혀 있었습니다.

“I think immediately, is my sister dead?” said Yair Rotem.
“내 생각엔 내 여동생이 죽은 걸까?” Yair Rotem이 말했습니다.

Waiting for hours
몇 시간 동안 기다리는 중

Israeli authorities were already asking Qatari negotiators what had happened, said the uncle, who began to press the Israeli government too. They didn’t get satisfactory responses. Around that time Hamas had separated Raaya from her daughter and Emily.
이스라엘 당국은 이미 카타르 협상가들에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 물어보고 있다고 삼촌이 말했고, 그는 이스라엘 정부에도 압력을 가하기 시작했습니다. 그들은 만족스러운 답변을 얻지 못했습니다. 그 무렵 하마스는 라야를 딸과 에밀리와 분리시켰습니다.

Before their release, Hila and Emily were shown ruined houses above ground in Gaza. Their captors repeated a message they had told the girls underground: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was responsible for the destruction, according to the family friend.
석방되기 전에 힐라와 에밀리는 가자 지구의 폐허가 된 집들을 목격했습니다. 납치범들은 지하에서 소녀들에게 전했던 메시지를 반복했습니다. 가족 친구에 따르면 이스라엘 총리 베냐민 네타냐후가 파괴에 책임이 있다고 합니다.

The families waited for hours for the hostages to be turned over to the International Committee of the Red Cross as Hamas demanded additional aid be brought into Gaza, eventually releasing them late that night. In a video of their handoff in the dark, the girls could be seen holding hands between two of their captors, walking toward a Red Cross vehicle.
가족들은 하마스가 가자지구에 추가 지원을 요청하자 인질들이 국제적십자위원회에 인계될 때까지 몇 시간을 기다렸고 결국 그날 밤 늦게 석방되었습니다. 어둠 속에서 건네주는 영상에서 소녀들은 납치범 두 명 사이에 손을 잡고 적십자 차량을 향해 걸어가는 모습이 보였습니다.

They were soon passed on to Israeli officials. When Emily ran up to her father, Thomas Hand, he was initially afraid to hug her too tightly. “She’s lost a lot of weight from her face and body,” he said later.
그들은 곧 이스라엘 관리들에게 전달되었습니다. Emily가 그녀의 아버지인 Thomas Hand에게 달려갔을 때, 그는 처음에는 그녀를 너무 꽉 껴안는 것을 두려워했습니다. 그는 나중에 “얼굴과 몸의 살이 많이 빠졌다”고 말했다.

Yair Rotem waited with Hand in the same reunion room and embraced Hila, before they all headed to the same children’s hospital.
야이르 로템은 같은 동창회실에서 핸드와 함께 기다리며 힐라를 포옹한 뒤 모두 같은 아동병원으로 향했다.

With Hila free, her uncle has been consumed getting her mom out too, fielding calls and doing back to back interviews with the media to continue getting the family story out. Hila told him she was with her mom the whole time before the separation. Yair says he has avoided probing Hila too much about her experience, and doesn’t want to ask too much about her emotional state. A small sign of progress came when she raised her voice a bit when speaking with him on Monday. He has been spending most of his time with Hila at the hospital, but expects she will finish her health checks and be able to leave soon.
Hila가 석방 되면서, 그녀의 삼촌은 엄마를 데리고 나가고, 전화를 받고, 언론과 연속 인터뷰를 하면서 가족 이야기를 계속 알리는 데 열중했습니다. 힐라는 별거 전 내내 엄마와 함께 있었다고 말했습니다. Yair는 Hila의 경험에 대해 너무 많이 조사하는 것을 피했으며 그녀의 감정 상태에 대해 너무 많이 묻고 싶지 않다고 말했습니다. 그녀가 월요일에 그와 이야기할 때 목소리를 조금 높이자 작은 진전의 조짐이 나타났습니다. 그는 병원에서 힐라와 대부분의 시간을 보내고 있지만 힐라가 건강검진을 마치고 곧 퇴원할 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다.

“It’s going to get better. It’s getting better now,” he said. —Dov Lieber contributed to this article.
“나아질 거예요. 지금은 좋아지고 있다”고 말했다. —Dov Lieber가 이 기사에 기고했습니다.