Wall Street Journal 해석

Investing Legend Munger, Buffett’s Partner, Dies at 99 : 투자의 전설 버핏의 파트너 멍거, 99세로 사망

춰리 2023. 11. 29. 21:11

Investing Legend Munger, Buffett’s Partner, Dies at 99
투자의 전설 버핏의 파트너 멍거, 99세로 사망


Charlie Munger in 2019. Warren Buffett nicknamed him the ‘abominable no-man.’ MICHAEL LEWIS FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL : 2019년의 찰리 멍거. 워렌 버핏은 그에게 '가증스러운 무인'이라는 별명을 붙였습니다. 월스트리트 저널의 마이클 루이스


Charlie Munger, left, and Warren Buffett in 2015. Buffett has said Berkshire Hathaway ‘has been built to Charlie’s blueprint.’ NATI HARNIK/ ASSOCIATED PRESS : 찰리 멍거(왼쪽)와 워렌 버핏(2015년). 버핏은 버크셔 해서웨이가 '찰리의 청사진에 따라 만들어졌다'고 말했습니다. NATI HARNIK/ ASSOCIATED PRESS


No equal business partner has ever played second fiddle better than Charlie Munger.
찰리 멍거(Charlie Munger)만큼 제2의 바이올린을 더 잘 연주한 동등한 비즈니스 파트너는 없습니다.

Warren Buffett’s closest friend and consigliere for six decades, the billionaire vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway died Tuesday at age 99.
워렌 버핏의 가장 가까운 친구이자 60년 간 관리인이었던 버크셔 해서웨이의 억만장자 부회장이 화요일 99세의 나이로 사망했습니다.

In public, especially in front of the tens of thousands of attendees at Berkshire’s annual meetings, Munger deferred to Buffett, letting the company’s chairman hog the microphone and the limelight. Munger routinely cracked up the crowd by croaking, “I have nothing to add.”
공개적으로, 특히 버크셔의 연례 회의에 참석한 수만 명의 참석자들 앞에서 멍거는 버핏의 말을 따르며 버핏의 회장이 마이크를 독차지하고 주목을 받도록 했습니다. 멍거는 일상적으로 "나는 더할 말이 없다"고 큰 소리로 군중을 웃겼다.

In private, Buffett, who is 93, often deferred to Munger. In 1971, Munger talked him into buying See’s Candy Shops for a price equivalent to three times the chocolate stores’ net worth a “fancy price,” Buffett later recalled, far higher than he was accustomed to paying for businesses.
93세인 버핏은 개인적으로 멍거의 선택을 종종 연기했다. 1971년 멍거는 그에게 초콜릿 가게 순자산 가치의 3배에 해당하는 "멋진 가격"에 시즈 캔디 가게를 사라고 권유했다고 버핏은 나중에 회상했다. 이는 그가 평소 기업에 지불했던 것보다 훨씬 높은 금액이었다.

See’s would go on to generate some $2 billion in cumulative earnings for Berkshire over the coming decades.
See's(시즈 캔디)는 향후 수십 년 동안 버크셔의 누적 수익으로 약 20억 달러를 창출할 것입니다.

As Buffett wrote in 2015, “This purchase ended my pursuit of ‘cigar-butt’ investments mediocre companies at ‘bargain’ prices and set me in pursuit of splendid businesses selling at [reasonable] prices.” He added, “Charlie had been urging this course for some years, but I was a slow learner.”
버핏은 2015년에 이렇게 썼습니다. "이번 인수로 나는 '담배꽁초' 투자를 하는 평범한 회사를 '할인된' 가격에 추구하는 것을 끝내고 [합리적인] 가격에 판매하는 훌륭한 기업을 추구하게 되었습니다." 그는 “찰리는 몇 년 동안 이 과정을 권유해 왔지만 나는 배우는 속도가 느렸습니다”라고 덧붙였습니다.

Buffett nicknamed Munger the “abominable no man” for his ferocity in rejecting potential investments, including some that Buffett might otherwise have made. But Munger, who was fascinated by engineering and technology, also pushed the tech-phobic Buffett into big bets on BYD, a Chinese battery and electric vehicle maker, and Iscar, an Israeli machine tool manufacturer.
버핏은 버핏이 투자했을 수도 있는 일부 투자를 포함하여 잠재적인 투자를 맹렬하게 거부한 멍거를 “가증스러운 무자비한 사람”이라고 별명을 붙였습니다. 그러나 공학과 기술에 매료된 멍거는 기술 공포증이 있는 버핏을 중국 배터리 및 전기자동차 제조업체인 BYD와 이스라엘 공작기계 제조업체인 이스카에 큰 투자를 하도록 밀어붙이기도 했다.

Munger was a brilliant investor in his own right. He began managing investment partnerships in 1962. From then through 1969, the S& P 500 gained an average of 5.6% annually. Buffett’s partnerships returned an average of 24.3% annually. Munger’s did even better, averaging annualized gains of 24.4%.
멍거는 그 자체로 뛰어난 투자자였습니다. 그는 1962년부터 투자 파트너십 관리를 시작했습니다. 그때부터 1969년까지 S&P 500은 연평균 5.6%의 수익을 올렸습니다. 버핏의 파트너십은 연평균 24.3%의 수익률을 냈습니다. 멍거는 훨씬 더 좋은 성과를 냈고, 연평균 24.4%의 수익을 냈습니다.

In 1975, shortly before he joined Berkshire as vice chairman, Munger shut down his partnerships. Over their 14year history, his portfolios gained an average of 19.8% annually; the S& P 500 grew at only a 5.2% rate.
1975년, 멍거는 버크셔에 부회장으로 합류하기 직전에 파트너십을 종료했습니다. 14년의 역사 동안 그의 포트폴리오는 매년 평균 19.8%의 수익을 올렸습니다. S&P 500은 5.2% 성장에 그쳤습니다.

The two men had long invested differently. Buffett, under the influence of his mentor Benjamin Graham, would buy almost any business, even if it was near dead, so long as it was cheap. Among such “cigar butts” was Berkshire Hathaway itself, which had been a dilapidated textile manufacturer when Buffett bought it in 1965.
두 사람은 오랫동안 서로 다른 방식으로 투자해 왔습니다. 버핏은 멘토 벤자민 그레이엄(Benjamin Graham)의 영향을 받아 거의 죽어가는 기업이라 할지라도 값이 싸다면 거의 모든 기업을 매수했습니다. 그러한 "시가꽁초" 중에는 버핏이 1965년 인수했을 당시 황폐해졌던 섬유 제조업체였던 버크셔 해서웨이 자체도 있었습니다.

As Buffett turned Berkshire into a holding company for insurance and other firms, he kept looking for mediocre businesses at bargain prices. Munger instead focused on great businesses at acceptable prices, reckoning that their ability to produce cash in the future would more than compensate for paying a premium price up front.
버핏은 버크셔를 보험 및 기타 회사의 지주 회사로 바꾸면서 계속해서 저렴한 가격에 평범한 기업을 찾았습니다. 그 대신 멍거는 미래에 현금을 생산할 수 있는 능력이 미리 프리미엄 가격을 지불하는 것보다 더 많은 것을 보상할 것이라고 생각하면서 수용 가능한 가격의 훌륭한 사업에 집중했습니다.

Over years of discussion, Munger persuaded his partner to change.
수년간의 논의 끝에 멍거는 파트너에게 변화를 촉구했습니다.

“I have been shaped tremendously by Charlie,” Buffett said in 1988. “Boy, if I had listened only to Ben [Graham], would I ever be a lot poorer.”
버핏은 1988년에 “나는 찰리에 의해 엄청난 영향을 받았습니다. 만약 내가 벤 [그레이엄]의 말만 들었다면, 나는 훨씬 더 가난해질 수 있었을까요?”라고 말했습니다.

In 2015, Buffett wrote that Munger taught him:
2015년에 버핏은 멍거가 자신에게 다음과 같이 가르쳤다고 썼습니다:

“Forget what you know about buying fair businesses at wonderful prices; instead, buy wonderful businesses at fair prices.”
“공정한 기업을 놀라운 가격에 구매하는 것에 대해 알고 있는 것을 잊어버리십시오. 대신에 훌륭한 기업을 공정한 가격에 구매하세요.”

Berkshire “has been built to Charlie’s blueprint,” Buffett said.
버크셔는 “찰리의 청사진에 따라 만들어졌다”고 버핏은 말했습니다.

Charles Thomas Munger was born in Omaha, Neb., on New Year’s Day, 1924. His father, Alfred, was a lawyer; his mother, Florence, was a homemaker and avid reader.
찰스 토마스 멍거(Charles Thomas Munger)는 1924년 새해 첫날 네브라스카 주 오마하에서 태어났습니다. 그의 아버지 알프레드(Alfred)는 변호사였습니다. 그의 어머니 플로렌스는 주부이자 열렬한 독자였습니다.

Munger majored in mathematics at the University of Michigan, then left school to enlist in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. The military first sent Munger to study thermodynamics and meteorology at the University of New Mexico and the California Institute of Technology, then posted him to an air base in Nome, Alaska, where he served as a weather forecaster.
멍거는 미시간 대학교에서 수학을 전공한 후 제2차 세계대전 중에 학교를 떠나 미 육군 항공대에 입대했습니다. 군대는 처음에 멍거를 뉴멕시코 대학교와 캘리포니아 공과대학에서 열역학과 기상학을 연구하도록 파견한 후 알래스카 주 놈에 있는 공군 기지에 파견하여 그곳에서 기상 예보관으로 일했습니다.

After the war, Munger talked a dean at Harvard Law School into admitting him without a college degree. He graduated magna cum laude.
전쟁이 끝난 후 멍거는 하버드 로스쿨 학장에게 대학 학위 없이 자신을 입학시켜 달라고 요청했습니다. 그는 우등으로 졸업했습니다.

He considered joining his father’s practice in Omaha before settling in Southern California. He and several partners eventually opened their own law practice in 1962. Today the firm, known as Munger, Tolles & Olson, employs about 200 lawyers.
그는 남부 캘리포니아에 정착하기 전에 오마하에 있는 아버지의 사업에 합류하는 것을 고려했습니다. 그와 여러 파트너는 결국 1962년에 자체 법률 업무를 시작했습니다. 현재 Munger, Tolles & Olson으로 알려진 이 회사는 약 200명의 변호사를 고용하고 있습니다.

His first marriage, to Nancy Huggins, ended in divorce. He married his second wife, Nancy Barry Borthwick, in 1956. She died in 2010. They had four children together and two each from their prior marriages.
낸시 허긴스와의 첫 결혼은 이혼으로 끝났다. 그는 1956년에 두 번째 아내인 낸시 배리 보스윅(Nancy Barry Borthwick)과 결혼했습니다. 그녀는 2010년에 사망했습니다. 그들은 함께 4명의 자녀를 두었고, 이전 결혼에서 각각 2명의 자녀를 두었습니다.

Munger also confronted tragedy: In 1955, his son Teddy died of leukemia at age 9. Munger later recalled pacing the streets of Pasadena in tears at “losing a child inch by inch.” More than six decades later he would still choke up at the memory of his son’s suffering.
멍거는 비극에도 직면했다. 1955년 그의 아들 테디가 9세의 나이에 백혈병으로 사망했다. 멍거는 나중에 "한 아이를 조금씩 잃는 것"에 눈물을 흘리며 패서디나 거리를 서성거렸던 것을 회상했다. 60여년이 지난 후에도 그는 여전히 아들이 겪은 고통을 생각하면 목이 메곤 했습니다.

In 1978, a surgeon bungled a cataract surgery, leaving Munger blind in one eye, which later had to be surgically removed. The investor refused to blame the doctor, noting that complications occurred in 5% of such procedures. For him, as always, it was about the numbers. The two men who would run Berkshire Hathaway met in 1959 when Munger, who had already moved to Los Angeles, went to a dinner in his hometown that Buffett also attended.
1978년에 한 외과의사가 백내장 수술을 잘못하여 멍거의 한쪽 눈을 실명시켰고 나중에 그 눈을 수술로 제거해야 했습니다. 투자자는 그러한 절차의 5%에서 합병증이 발생했다는 점을 지적하면서 의사를 비난하기를 거부했습니다. 언제나 그렇듯이 그에게 있어서 중요한 것은 숫자였습니다. 버크셔 해서웨이를 운영하게 될 두 사람은 1959년 이미 로스앤젤레스로 이사한 멍거가 버핏도 참석한 고향에서 저녁 식사를 하러 갔을 때 만났습니다.

They already knew each other’s names: Munger worked in Buffett’s grandfather’s grocery store as a boy. One of the first investors in Buffett’s partnership gave him money because, he said, “You remind me of Charlie Munger.” Buffett’s first wife, Susan, recalling that dinner, said in 1998: “I think Warren felt that Charlie was the smartest person he’d ever met, and I think Charlie felt Warren was the smartest person he had ever met.”
그들은 이미 서로의 이름을 알고 있었습니다. 멍거는 어렸을 때 버핏 할아버지의 식료품점에서 일했습니다. 버핏의 파트너십에 참여한 최초의 투자자 중 한 명이 그에게 돈을 준 이유는 "당신이 찰리 멍거를 생각나게 해주네요"라고 말했기 때문입니다. 버핏의 첫 번째 아내인 수잔은 1998년에 그 저녁 식사를 회상하며 이렇게 말했습니다. "내 생각에 워렌은 찰리가 자신이 만난 사람 중 가장 똑똑한 사람이라고 느꼈고, 찰리는 워렌이 자신이 만난 사람 중 가장 똑똑한 사람이라고 느꼈던 것 같습니다."

They instantly hit it off and before long became inseparable, often talking by phone several times a day.
그들은 즉시 친해졌고 오래지 않아 떼어놓을 수 없게 되었고, 종종 하루에도 여러 번씩 전화 통화를 하게 되었습니다.

Munger’s hero was Benjamin Franklin, whom he admired for his curiosity, ingenuity and wit. Munger’s own common sense, biting humor, pathological bluntness and disdain for conventional wisdom made him a celebrity among investors.
멍거의 영웅은 호기심과 독창성, 재치로 인해 그가 존경했던 벤자민 프랭클린(Benjamin Franklin)이었습니다. 멍거 자신의 상식, 신랄한 유머, 병적인 무뚝뚝함, 통념에 대한 경멸이 그를 투자자들 사이에서 유명인사로 만들었습니다.

During the question and answer sessions at Berkshire’s annual meetings, Munger would sit silent as Buffett spoke in elaborate paragraphs. The adoring audience knew Munger was waiting to uncork a zinger.
버크셔의 연례회의 질의응답 시간 동안 멍거는 버핏이 정교한 문단으로 연설하는 동안 침묵을 지켰다. 열렬한 청중은 멍거가 코르크 마개를 풀기 위해 기다리고 있다는 것을 알고 있었습니다.

At Berkshire’s annualmeeting in 2000, a shareholder asked how the speculation in Internet stocks would affect the economy. Buffett answered with nearly 550 words. Munger growled, “if you mix raisins with turds, they’re still turds.”
2000년 버크셔 연례회의에서 한 주주는 인터넷 주식 투기가 경제에 어떤 영향을 미칠지 질문했습니다. 버핏은 거의 550단어로 대답했습니다. 멍거는 "건포도와 똥을 섞어도 여전히 똥이다"라고 으르렁거렸다.

When a shareholder asked at the 2004 meeting how Berkshire sets pay for executives, Buffett spoke for more than five minutes. Munger drawled, “Well, I would rather throw a viper down my shirtfront than hire a compensation consultant.”
2004년 주주총회에서 한 주주가 버크셔가 임원 급여를 어떻게 책정하는지 물었을 때 버핏은 5분 넘게 연설했습니다. 멍거는 "글쎄요, 보상 컨설턴트를 고용하느니 차라리 셔츠 앞면에 독사를 던져버리고 싶습니다."라고 말했습니다.

In an oped for The Wall Street Journal this year, Munger called for the U.S. government to ban bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, writing that crypto is “a gambling contract with a nearly 100% edge for the house.”
올해 월스트리트저널에 기고한 글에서 멍거는 미국 정부에 비트코인과 기타 암호화폐를 금지할 것을 촉구하며 암호화폐는 “거의 100% 우위를 점하는 도박 계약”이라고 썼다.

Munger’s laconic image was only an act he put on to avoid upstaging Buffett. When he wasn’t sharing the limelight with Berkshire’s chairman, Munger was loquacious. At regular lunches and dinners with friends and family, and at the annual meetings of Daily Journal, a small media company he chaired, he would speak for hours.
멍거의 간결한 이미지는 버핏의 기분을 업시키는 것을 피하기 위해 그가 취한 행동일 뿐이었다. 버크셔 회장과 주목을 받지 않을 때 멍거는 말을 많이 했다. 친구, 가족과 함께 정기적으로 점심과 저녁을 먹을 때, 그리고 그가 회장을 맡은 소규모 미디어 회사인 Daily Journal의 연례 회의에서 그는 몇 시간 동안 연설을 했습니다.

His stamina was extraordinary, too. In 2019, when Munger was 95, two Wall Street Journal reporters showed up at his modest house in Los Angeles at 6 p.m. He talked nearly nonstop until almost midnight. Several times after 10 p.m., one or both of the reporters haltingly began to stand up to leave; Munger motioned them to sit back down.
그의 체력도 남달랐다. 2019년, 멍거가 95세였을 때, 월스트리트 저널 기자 두 명이 오후 6시에 로스앤젤레스에 있는 그의 소박한 집에 나타났습니다. 그는 거의 자정까지 거의 쉬지 않고 이야기했습니다. 밤 10시 이후에도 여러 차례 기자 중 한 명 또는 두 명 모두가 일어나 떠나기 시작했다. 멍거는 그들에게 다시 앉으라고 손짓했습니다.

Munger never stopped preaching old fashioned virtues. Two of his favorite words were assiduity and equanimity. He liked the first, he said in a speech in 2007, because “it means sit down on your ass until you do it.” He often said that the key to investing success was doing nothing for years, even decades, waiting to buy with “aggression” when bargains finally materialized.
멍거는 구시대적인 미덕을 설교하는 것을 결코 멈추지 않았습니다. 그가 가장 좋아하는 두 단어는 근면함과 평정심이었습니다. 그는 2007년 연설에서 첫 번째를 좋아했다고 말했습니다. 왜냐하면 "그것은 당신이 그것을 할 때까지 엉덩이에 앉아 있다는 것을 의미하기 때문입니다." 그는 종종 투자 성공의 열쇠는 수년, 심지어 수십 년 동안 아무것도 하지 않고 마침내 할인이 실현될 때 "공격적"으로 매수하는 것이라고 말했습니다.

He liked the second because it reflected his philosophy of investing and of life. Every investor, Munger said frequently, should be able to react with equanimity to a 50% loss in the stock market every few decades.
그는 두 번째를 좋아했는데, 그 이유는 그것이 자신의 투자 철학과 삶의 철학을 반영했기 때문입니다. 멍거는 모든 투자자가 수십 년에 한 번씩 주식 시장에서 50%의 손실이 발생하더라도 침착하게 대응할 수 있어야 한다고 자주 말했습니다.

Munger retained his sense of humor into his 90s, even though he was nearly blind, could barely walk, and his beloved wife, Nancy, had died years earlier. Around 2016, an acquaintance asked which person, in a long life, he felt most grateful to.
멍거는 거의 시각 장애인이고 거의 걸을 수 없었고, 그의 사랑하는 아내 낸시가 몇 년 전에 세상을 떠났음에도 불구하고 90대까지 유머 감각을 유지했습니다. 2016년쯤 한 지인이 인생을 살면서 가장 고마운 사람이 누구냐고 물었다.

“My second wife’s first husband,” Munger said instantly. “I had the ungrudging love of this magnificent woman for 60 years simply by being a somewhat less awful husband than he was.”
“내 두 번째 부인의 첫 번째 남편이죠.” 멍거가 즉시 말했다. “나는 그보다 덜 끔찍한 남편이 되었다는 것만으로도 이 훌륭한 여성의 아낌없는 사랑을 60년 동안 누렸습니다.”